Concrete Testing

Concrete or cementitious mortar tests are performed during the construction process in order to ensure that the predefined material properties are achieved. The tests involve Slump Tests on the concrete mix to ensure workability demands are met. The most common tests performed are compressive strength tests that are conducted using compressive strength equipment which produce very accurate values for the material strength properties. Those tests are usually performed after 3,7 and 28 days. All concrete and mortar tests performed are done in conformance with ASTM stadards fot testing. A variety of other tests are also conducted by CEL in order to obtain all the concrete or mortar properties required.

Concrete and mortar mix designs are also performed by CEL and are accompanied by the necessary tests in order to determine the mix properties needed by the client.

Slump Test
Entrained Air Test
Concrete Cubes & Cylinders
Concrete Curing
Concrete Compressive Strength